
Madrona Elementary School
20301 32nd Avenue South SeaTac, WA 98198

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Madrona Elementary School
20301 32nd Avenue South SeaTac, WA 98198

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Student Dress Policy


Madrona Dress Code

The student and their parent/guardian hold the primary responsibility in determining the student’s  personal attire, hairstyle, jewelry, and personal items (e.g. backpacks, book bags). Madrona administration and staff is responsible for assuring that student attire, hairstyle, jewelry, and personal items do not interfere with the health or safety of any student and do not contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment for any student.  

Core Values

In relation to student dress, our Madrona core values are the following: 

• Students should be able to dress and style their hair for school in a manner  that expresses their individuality without fear of unnecessary discipline or  body shaming; 

• Students have the right to be treated equitably. Dress code enforcement  will not create disparities, reinforce or increase marginalization of any  group, nor will it be more strictly enforced against students because of  racial identity, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, gender  nonconformity, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity,  household income, body size/type, or body maturity; 

• Students and staff are responsible for managing their personal biases; and 

• Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance. 

Universal Dress Code 

Students must wear: 

  • Top (shirt, blouse, sweater, sweatshirt, tank, etc.); 
  • Bottom (pants, shorts, skirt, dress, etc.); and 
  • Footwear with a closed toe on days they attend PE class. 

Students may not wear clothing, jewelry, or personal items that:  

• Are sexually explicit, contain threats, or that promote illegal or violent  conduct such as the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or  drug paraphernalia;  

• Demonstrate hate group association/affiliation and/or use hate speech  targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,  gender identity, religious affiliation, or other protected groups; 

• Intentionally show private parts. Clothing must cover private parts in opaque (not able to be seen-through) material; 

• Cover the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable  (except clothing/headgear worn for a religious or medical purpose); or 

• Demonstrate gang association/affiliation. 


Staff will use reasonable efforts to avoid dress-coding students in front of other  students. 

Students shall not be disciplined or removed from class as a consequence for wearing attire in violation of this policy (unless the attire creates a substantial  disruption to the educational environment, poses a hazard to the health or safety  of others, or factors into a student behavior rule violation such as malicious  harassment or  and bullying).  

No student shall be referred to as “a distraction” due to their appearance  or attire. 

For the first three dress code violations, teachers will call home to the student’s family and share the dress code violation and ask for it to be followed in the future.

After three dress code violations then a teacher can request support from an administrator in follow up with the student and family.