
Madrona Elementary School
20301 32nd Avenue South SeaTac, WA 98198

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Madrona Elementary School
20301 32nd Avenue South SeaTac, WA 98198

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Running Club

Mr. Roach & Mr. D encourage students to step up to the Eagle Mile Challenge. The goal is for runners to improve as much as possible from his/her Eagle Mile time during the previous school year. Runners will compete by grade level in a class competition during specialists time (Music, Library, PE) on the Eagle Mile cross-country course to see which class has the fastest average time. EVERY RUNNER COUNTS!! 

We encourage students to get at least 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity. However, we know that most of them are not getting close to this. With PE only lasting 75-90 minutes A WEEK, Mr. D and Mr. Roach provide every student with "Morning PE" where everyone is able to jump rope in the gym or run on the track every day from 8:15 - 8:40 before school.

Please ask your son or daughter about their Running Club Card. We encourage each student to keep this card in their backpack so that they can use it each morning when they arrive to school. Every time they complete a lap, a FUTP60 helper will scan their card.  Because our track is 268 meters in length, 6 laps = 1 mile. Student & class standings are updated every Friday on the "PE Wall" right outside the gym.

The Eagle Mile starts at the south end of the play field on the track. The first loop (yellow) travels north and around the baseball field before returning to the start line and around the bus loop. This outer loop meanders through the woods on the northeast corner of the school before returning to the baseball field for loop #2 (red). Once the runner makes their way to the front of the school a second time, they head down the wheelchair ramp and around the school towards the playground. The sprint to the finish consists of 1 lap around the track and finishes at the playground.

Looking for a 1-mile route that you can walk, jog or run? The Modified Eagle Mile route takes you around the school 4x before finishing at the gate on the north-side of campus. It is the perfect route to do when the track or Eagle Mile routes are wet and muddy!